More about Peru from Dr Sabine Dedenbach Salazar

We all enjoyed Sabine’s talk on Peruvian culture. She has kindly provided handouts of her talk.

The first handout is a short description of Sabine’s research into clearances of the indigenous population from their agricultural land by Estate owners. There are remarkable parallels with Scottish history.

Dedenbach Clearances Peru – Handout (SD 20-11-16) SHORT

This handout describes the clearances in more detail

Dedenbach Clearances Peru – Handout (SD 20-11-16)

And finally, a short handout on “Coca is not Cocaine”. How Coca is used by the indigenous peoples in Peru.

LONGDedenbach Coca – Handout (SD 20-11-16

“Curious Minds”: Matthew Jarron will talk about D’Arcy Wentworth Thompson

On Friday 28th October Matthew Jarron, Curator of Dundee University Museum, will give the second “Curious Minds” talk of the season. Matthew will talk about one of the most remarkable Scottish academics of all time, D’Arcy Wentworth Thompson. Thomson was Professor of Natural History at Dundee College and St Andrews University. Amongst many other accomplishments he is perhaps best remembered for his work “On Growth and Form” in which he described the mathematical basis for the growth of many features seen in plants and animals.

On_Growth_and_Form darcy-large-2

Mike Robinson talk at “Curious Minds”

Mike Robinson, CEO of the Royal Scottish Geographical Society, gave the introductory talk in the “Curious Minds” lecture series last night. Mike reviewed the evidence for man-made climate change and discussed some of the options that could help avert a global catastrophe. Interestingly, Mike pointed out that James Croll, one of the first people to put forward a model explaining climate change, was a self educated Perthshire man and member of the PSNS. More than 80 people attended and there was an enthusiastic discussion afterwards.

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